- Create tickets or track sales in a spreadsheet and collect ticket revenue from sellers
(grads and parents). Tickets sell for $5 each (sometimes 3 for $10). Typically we drop 300 ducks in the water (we have about 500-600 ducks). Ask Ms. Terlingen for the digital ticket file.
- Contact JVH PAC (JVH Parent Advisory Committee) and have one of their executive members file an application online for a gaming licence (this requires a non-refundable $10 processing fee, payable by credit card). The approval process takes about 3 days.
- BC Gaming Website: e-fundraising/class-d)
- Retrieve the ducks from the bus shed where they are stored; they need to be counted and the missing ducks replaced.
- Contact the Village of Kaslo to organize the dumping of the ducks into the Kaslo River from the bridge.
- Collect the 3 winning ducks and all the rest once they enter Kootenay Lake and return them (dry) to the bus shed at the school. (This effort requires 4-6 parents with motor boats/canoes/kayaks, armed with nets.)
- JVH Valedictorian(s) announce the winners at May Days (1st prize: $400, 2nd prize: $250, 3rd prize: $100, typically). An ad is also put in the Pennywise to announce the winners and thank the Village, volunteers and town for support.