JVH Weekly Update

Now that we are into our second week back, students have settled well into the familiar school and class routines. Our first day back last week started with a K-12 multi-age connections activity with virtual fireworks, a hilarious House Team's banana race, and multi-age 1:1 buddy reading. We look forward to school Spirit Week which will take place during the last week in January. More to come on that in a week or so!
Announcements for Parents:
- Kindergarten registration is now open. Please go to the Sd8 website for the link to the registration page.
- Enrolment for 2024-25 – We are starting to look at our projections for enrolment next year. If you anticipate no longer being at JVH next year, please let us know as soon as possible in the office at clerical.jvh@sd8.bc.ca.
- JVH PAC Meeting- January 22nd 6:00 PM in the library.
- Reminder – Monday, January 20th is a District Pro-D day. No school for students next Monday.
Upcoming Events:
January 15- Intermediate 1 Skating 9:00-10:30
January 15 - Intermediate Basketball Team game at Lucerne Elementary/ Secondary
January 20- District Pro D Day
January 22- PAC Meeting 6:00 PM
January 24- Int 1 and Int 2 Skating 10:20-12:00
February 4- Int 3 Skating 1:00-2:40
February 14- School Based Pro D Day (no school for students)
February 20- BC Family Day Holiday
February 11,18,25- Secondary Whitewater program dates
February 15, 26- Intermediate Whitewater program dates
February 28- Int 2 Skating 1:00-2:35
March 5 Final day of Intermediate Whitewater program
Have a great week,
Monica Doyle
Interim Principal, JV Humphries School